Saturday 11 June 2016

Jack in the Waiting Room

I already posted a different version of this drawing with different colors a long time ago on a different site. But then, recently, while doing some scanning, I re-scanned this old drawing with the awkward cropping and I thought I might as well use it. So I did a new coloring and then decided I could use the space on both sides of the character to give a little background on what's happening to him.
The story behind this character is also interesting. In 1990, I did a little 4-page comic about a gay couple cleaning up their apartment after the last night's party (a very sedate drinks and nosh affair, I hasten to say) and remembering what went on. One of the guests was this big guy who worked in the theatre and was fond of younger guys. Later, I made this drawing of the same character, who after having cruised this sweet-looking younger guy found out to his dismay that the kid was a dominant top into dominating older men. This was a novel experience for "Jack" (he wasn't called that in my original comic) but he decided to go along with it. Would he actually enjoy being in the submissive role for once?


  1. The drawing is great, the text is exciting! Very good! Thank you.

  2. I love this. I bet Jack went quite far in the end too... ;o)

  3. I'm sure he did. He might even come back for more. Jack is the sort of man who perceives every experience in terms of how tough and macho he is. So he definitely wants to see how far he can go, how much he can "take".

  4. For sure his pride won't stop him...

  5. Great picture. i enjoy knowing the btm looks forward to the pain.
