Wednesday 21 October 2015

Big Bear Bound Redux

Does this drawing look familiar? Yet slightly different? That's because it is. This is a re-creation of the very first drawing I posted on this blog. I'd been told (and I knew, really) that the character's feet couldn't be in that awkward position. I'd been meaning to change it for a while, and now that I've got a tablet for drawing, it's really quite simple to do a new "inking" for a drawing while at the same time changing some elements. And while I was at it, I did a new colouring. So, here is the new "Big Bear Bound".


  1. You drawing skills have improved! But I liked the old version because I could see the sexy polar bears' soles, like they're ready to be tickled, licked and sucked on...

  2. You're quite right - this was why I'd drawn the old version the way it was. Only, let's face it, it was anatomically... strange, to say the least. ;)
